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Press Kit
Thanks a Ton combines carbon dioxide removal (CDR) with beautiful, custom digital greeting cards to help reverse climate change.
People want to work for and partner with companies that signal their commitment to the planet as a force for good. We've built a platform that allows you to do just that.
Our Mission
Our mission is to build awareness and get people excited about CDR in a fun, friendly, and guilt-free way so that the industry can rapidly scale to drive real climate impact.
How it Works
Every card comes with a certificate of carbon dioxide removal from one of our trusted and vetted partners. Select a carbon removal method, choose your price point, and send the perfect card.
Why CDR?
To keep Earth's temperature rise below +2ºC, humanity has to discover how to liberate the atmosphere from over a TRILLION TONS of carbon dioxide. So here's the deal... while climate science is complex, the answer to this question is really simple: help mother nature by supporting early CDR technologies.