Extra Resources

Qualitative Evaluations of Our Carbon Partners

Octavia Carbon Qualitative Evaluation

Octavia Carbon Qualitative Evaluation

Octavia Carbon, a brand new project based out of Kenya, aims to sequester carbon in a unique way using a familiar approach: direct air capture. Located in Kenya's Great Rift...

Living Carbon Qualitative Evaluation

Living Carbon Qualitative Evaluation

Living Carbon is a biotechnology company that focuses on nature-based solutions for carbon dioxide removal. They enhance the carbon sequestration rate of forests with their bioengineered photosynthesis-enhanced poplar trees. These...

Seaweed Generation Qualitative Evaluation

Seaweed Generation Qualitative Evaluation

Seaweed Generation, a novel company and initiative, aims to sequester carbon through an innovative approach: sinking seaweed. The potential of seaweed as a powerful carbon sink via photosynthesis cannot be...

Gift CO₂ Removal today:

When first looking at the many collections we have here at Thanks a Ton, you might be thinking, in what ways do these gifts for sustainability actually translate into actions to save the planet and help improve the current global climate situation. These are not just the best eco friendly gift ideas because they look amazing, but these cards actually show what methods are being used to remove the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. There are in fact many different CO2 removal methods that can positively improve the environment that we live in. The cards in this collection show the many solutions to stop global warming that you can choose from to help improve the world.